Indie friends

The whisky community is large, friendly and inclusive. We like, the clubs, events, gatherings and all other initiatives taken with the purpose to enjoy a good dram. We offer friendly indie bottlers a space to present their latest bottles. (and we assure they have been tasted many times ;-)

Odoo • Image and Text


Patrick Vanderlinden is well known in the whisky scene. He has been around! He fell in love with Scotland and all the good things it has to offer long time ago. In the mean time he is bottling for 10 years and has a number of gems on his record (Invergordon 1972, Morlach 1997 to name a few)

And independent he is  for sure. Tastes on his own and only what is good enough for him passes the selection. 

Odoo • Image and Text


The dudes were three, no there's only one left, but with even more energy and passion as in the early days.

An identical approach as Double-V. Select casks, buy them and leave them until they find their way to the bottle. Time is on our side. The stock of casks is still growing, and the spring 21 releases are very promising!

This is the kind of story we like: passion and no fear!!